Two adjoining fragments of a pillar; h. (reassembled) 350 ×  w. 41 ×  d. 29–36 cm.
Middle Indo-Aryan, Southern Brāhmī script. 10 lines. Inscribed area: h. 50 ×  w. 40 cm.
Second regnal year of Siri-Ehavalacāntamūla, i.e., approximately between 250 and 300 CE.
Erected originally at findspot.
Discovered in March 1926 at the pillared hall attached to the monastery at Nagarjunakonda, Site 5 (Iṭikarāḷḷabōḍu hill). Fragments identified at Nagarjunakonda Museum (acc. no. 300 and acc. no. 545) in February 2016.
Visual Documentation
  • AL 2017;
  • JM 2017.
  • Photo(s) of estampage(s):
  • ASI estampage reproduced by Vogel and Raghunath.
  • RTI: JM 2017
    Arlo Griffiths and Vincent Tournier, with contributions by Stefan Baums and Ingo Strauch.
    Publication history
    First described and edited by Vogel 1929–30a: 3, 23–4 (G) . Re-edited here from the published estampages and after autopsy of the stone.
    (1) [si]dhaṁ namo bhagavato telokadhaṁmadhurāvahasa mahārā[jasa] (v)i() (2) [pa]khapatimahāsenaparigahitasa °agihota°agiṭh[o]ma(vājapeya) (3)°asamedhayayisa hiraṁṇakoṭigosatasa[ha] (sahalasata) (4)sahasapadā°isa savathesu [°a]patihatasaṁka[pa] (sa) (5) ()seṭhiputa[sa] [°i]khākunaṁ siricātamūlasa suṁn[]ya (mahārāja) (6) [sa] m[ā]ḍha[ri]putasa °ikhākūnaṁ sirivīrapur[i]sadatasa (bha) [ya]ya ma(7)hāraja[sa] siri°ehu[v]u[ḷa]cātamūlasa mātuya mahād⟨e⟩vīya bhaṭidevā[ya] (8) (deyadhaṁma) [°i]maṁ vihāro savajātaniyuto °acariyānaṁ bahusutīyānaṁ (9) pati[ṭhā] (p)i(to) ? [v]iko punaṁ budhiṁṇa[k]o raño sa[]vacha[raṁ] (b)i(t) [i] (yaṁ) (10) gim[hapa]ṁ[kha] ? ? + + + + + + + + + + + + sughāya ti

    (1) [si]dhaṁ namo bhagavato telokadhaṁmadhurāvahasa mahārā[jasa] (v)i() -
    (2) [pa]khapatimahāsenaparigahitasa °agihota°agiṭh[o]ma(vājapeya) -
    (3)°asamedhayayisa hiraṁṇakoṭigosatasa[ha] (sahalasata) -
    (4)sahasapadā°isa savathesu [°a]patihatasaṁka[pa] (sa)
    (5) ()seṭhiputa[sa] [°i]khākunaṁ siricātamūlasa suṁn[]ya (mahārāja) -
    (6) [sa] m[ā]ḍha[ri]putasa °ikhākūnaṁ sirivīrapur[i]sadatasa (bha) [ya]ya ma-
    (7)hāraja[sa] siri°ehu[v]u[ḷa]cātamūlasa mātuya mahād⟨e⟩vīya bhaṭidevā[ya]
    (8) (deyadhaṁma) [°i]maṁ vihāro savajātaniyuto °acariyānaṁ bahusutīyānaṁ
    (9) pati[ṭhā] (p)i(to) ? [v]iko punaṁ budhiṁṇa[k]o raño sa[]vacha[raṁ] (b)i(t) [i] (yaṁ)
    (10) gim[hapa]ṁ[kha] ? ? + + + + + + + + + + + + sughāya ti
    <ab xmlns="">
    					          <lb n="1"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2295">
    					          <w xml:id="tok2296">namo</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2297">bhagavato</w>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2299">telokadhaṁmadhurāvahasa</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2300">mahārā<unclear>jasa</unclear>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2301">
    						            <supplied reason="lost">v</supplied>i<supplied reason="lost">rū</supplied>
                      <lb break="no" n="2"/>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2303">°agihota°agiṭh<unclear>o</unclear>ma<supplied reason="lost">vājapeya</supplied>
                      <lb break="no" n="3"/>°asamedhayayisa</w>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2305">hiraṁṇakoṭigosatasa<unclear>ha</unclear>
                      <supplied reason="lost">sahalasata</supplied>
                      <lb break="no" n="4"/>sahasapadā°isa</w>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2307">savathesu</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2308">
                      <supplied reason="lost">sa</supplied>
    					          <lb n="5"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2309">
    						            <supplied reason="lost">vā</supplied>seṭhiputa<unclear>sa</unclear>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2310">
    					          <w xml:id="tok2311">siricātamūlasa</w>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2313">suṁn<unclear>hā</unclear>ya</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2315">
    						            <supplied reason="lost">mahārāja</supplied>
                      <lb break="no" n="6"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2316">m<unclear>ā</unclear>ḍha<unclear>ri</unclear>putasa</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2317">°ikhākūnaṁ</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2318">sirivīrapur<unclear>i</unclear>sadatasa</w>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2320">
                      <supplied reason="lost">bha</supplied>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2321">ma<lb break="no" n="7"/>hāraja<unclear>sa</unclear>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2322">siri°ehu<unclear>v</unclear>u<unclear>ḷa</unclear>cātamūlasa</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2323">mātuya</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2324">mahād<supplied reason="omitted">e</supplied>vīya</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2325">bhaṭidevā<unclear>ya</unclear>
    					          <lb n="8"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2327">
    						            <supplied reason="lost">deyadhaṁma</supplied>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2330">
    					          <w xml:id="tok2331">vihāro</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2332">savajātaniyuto</w>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2334">°acariyānaṁ</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2335">bahusutīyānaṁ</w>
    					          <lb n="9"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2336">pati<unclear>ṭhā</unclear>
                      <supplied reason="lost">p</supplied>i<supplied reason="lost">to</supplied>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2339">
    						            <gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2340">punaṁ</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2341">budhiṁṇa<unclear>k</unclear>o</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2342">raño</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2343">sa<unclear>ṁ</unclear>vacha<unclear>raṁ</unclear>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2344">
                      <supplied reason="lost">b</supplied>i<supplied reason="lost">t</supplied>
                      <supplied reason="lost">yaṁ</supplied>
    					          <lb n="10"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2345">gim<unclear>hapa</unclear>ṁ<unclear>kha</unclear>
    					          <gap reason="illegible" quantity="2" unit="character"/>
    					          <gap reason="lost" quantity="12" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2360">sughāya</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok2361">ti</w>
    • (1–2) (v)i() [pa]kha- (virūpa)kha- JPhV .
    • (2) °agihota°agi °agihotāgi- JPhV .
    • (2–3) (vājapeya)°asamedhayayisa -(vājape)yāsamedhay⟨ā⟩yisa JPhV . Vogel suggests to emend -yājisa.
    • (4) sahasapadā°isa Vogel suggests emending sahasapadāyisa.
    • (5) suṁn[]ya sun()ya JPhV .
    • (6) °ikhākūnaṁ °ikhākunaṁ JPhV .
    • (7) -°ehu[v]u[ḷa]- °e(huvuḷa)- JPhV . The akṣaras <huvuḷa> are damaged as the result of a a crack, but <hu> is still legible.
    • (7) mahād⟨a⟩vīya mahādeviya JPhV .
    • (8) (deyadhaṁma) ... JPhV . Restoration after EIAD 46, l. 6.
    • (9) pati[ṭhā] (p)i(to) patiṭhā(pito) JPhV .
    • (9) ? [vi]ko punaṁ budhiṁṇa[k]o ... i ra pu naṁ budhiṇa ... JPhV . The editor of the EI issue suggests reading virapunaṁbudhiṇa, as a proper name. Our reading budhiṁṇa[k]o is however supported by the occurrence of a similar name in EIAD 20, l. 2, for the husband of Bodhisirī. The first unclear akṣara could be either <r. > or <k. >. None of these combinations yields a known name or word.
    • (9) raño ... JPhV .
    • (9) sa[]vacha[raṁ] (b)i(t) [i] (yaṁ) [saṁvacharaṁ]..[bitiyaṁ] JPhV .
    • (10) gim[hapa]ṁ[kha] [gimhapakhaṁ] JPhV . The anusvāra appears to have been misplaced.
    (1)Success! Homage to the Bhagavant, the bearer of the burden of the Dharma for the three worlds.
    (1–9)The Great Queen Bhaṭidevā — daughter-in-law of Great King Vāsiṭṭhīputta Siri-Cāntamūla of the Ikṣvākus, favored by Mahāsena who has Virūpākṣa as his lord, sacrificer of the Agnihotra, the Agniṣṭoma, the Vājapeya and the Aśvamedha, giver of tens of millions of (pieces of) gold, hundreds of thousands of cows and hundreds of thousands of plows (of land), whose will is unimpeded in all matters, wife of Great King Māṭharīputta Siri-Vīrapurisadatta of the Ikṣvākus, mother of Great King Siri-Ehuvuḷacāntamūla — established as pious gift this monastery, equipped with everything, for the Bahuśrutīya masters... again, Budhinnaka.
    (9–10)In the second year of the king, in the... fortnight of summer... for the happiness...

    The text is largely parallel to that of EIAD 45 and 46.

    • (5) The bottom of the top fragment has undergone considerable further damage here vis-à-vis the estampage published by Vogel.
    • (10) sughāya ti The date appears to have been followed by a benedictory formula such as sava-loka-hita-sukhāya.