Memorial pillar; h. unavailable ×  w. unavailable ×  d. unavailable cm.
Middle Indo-Aryan, Southern Brāhmī script. h. unavailable ×  w. unavailable cm .
Undated. Attributable to the period 250-350 CE on palaeographic grounds.
Reported to have been found at Site-113 in Sircar 1963-64a: 14 . Not identified during fieldwork from February 2016 onward. Present whereabouts unknown.
Visual Documentation
Photo(s) of estampage(s):
  • Sircar
  • Editors
    Arlo Griffiths and Vincent Tournier, with contributions by Stefan Baums and Ingo Strauch.
    Publication history
    First described and edited by Sircar 1963-64a: 15 (6.B.II) . Re-edited here from the estampage published by Sircar.
    (1) magalaraṇava[tha]va[sa] se[]pat(i) [sa] (2) ? ṭapuṭasa patu[masa] bhaḍanaṁ pa ? (3) [chā]jākhaṁbho

    (1) magalaraṇava[tha]va[sa] se[]pat(i) [sa]
    (2) ? ṭapuṭasa patu[masa] bhaḍanaṁ pa ?
    (3) [chā]jākhaṁbho
    <ab xmlns="">
    					          <lb n="1"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4090">magalaraṇava<unclear>tha</unclear>va<unclear>sa</unclear>
    					          <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4092">se<unclear>nā</unclear>pat<supplied reason="lost">i</supplied>
    					          <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"/>
    					          <lb n="2"/>
    					          <gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4094">ṭapuṭasa</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4095">patu<unclear>masa</unclear>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4096">bhaḍanaṁ</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4097">pa</w>
    					          <gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
    					          <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"/>
    					          <lb n="3"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4099">
    • (2) ? ṭapuṭasa (ra)ṭapuṭasa DCS .
    • (2) patu[masa] pata[tanaṁ] DCS .
    • (2) pa ? pasā.... DCS . Sircar notes The intended word seems to be pasāditānaṁ as in No. 1 above, though in the other record the word comes before bhaḍanaṁ. In light of EIAD 70 and EIAD 72, it seems preferable to reconstruct pa(ditanaṁ) or pa(ḍitanaṁ) .
    • (3) [chā]jākhaṁbho ..[]khaṁ[bho] DCS . Sircar notes that the lost akṣara is apparently <chā>, and we can recognise what is left of it.
    Memorial pillar of the killed soldiers of the General ...ṭapuṭa Patuma, resident of Magalaraṇa.