Buddhapāda; h. 5 ×  w. 26 ×  d. 26 cm. This inscription is engraved on a slab with the carving of ornamented foot-prints.
Middle Indo-Aryan, Southern Brāhmī script. h. unavailable ×  w. 19 cm .
Attributable between the 3rd and the 4th century CE on palaeographic grounds.
Discovered in the course of excavations conducted by the State Department of Archaeology and Museums over several seasons from 2001 to 2007. The precise date of discovery is unknown. Identified in the Department of Archaeology and Museums storage house in Phanigiri in February 2016.
Visual Documentation
  • Subrahmanyam et al. 2008: 25 (f)
  • Editors
    Stefan Baums, Arlo Griffiths, Ingo Strauch and Vincent Tournier.
    Publication history
    First described and edited by Subrahmanyam et al. 2008c: 38 (13) . Re-edited here from published documentation and after autopsy of the stone.
    (1) sidhaṁ vaṁ[ma]ṇakamātuya []ṭanikāya deyadhaṁ(maṁ) + + + + +

    (1) sidhaṁ vaṁ[ma]ṇakamātuya []ṭanikāya deyadhaṁ(maṁ) + + + + +
    <ab xmlns="">
    					          <lb n="1"/>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4853">sidhaṁ</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4854">vaṁ<unclear>ma</unclear>ṇakamātuya</w>
    					          <w xml:id="tok4855">
    					          <w xml:id="tok4856">deyadhaṁ<supplied reason="lost">maṁ</supplied>
    					          <gap reason="lost" quantity="5" unit="character"/>
    • (1) sidhaṁ sidham BS .
    • (1) vaṁ[ma]ṇakamātuya vamanaka matam. BS .
    • (1) []ṭanikāya tapikāya BS .
    • (1) deyadhaṁ (maṁ) + + + + + deyadha (ma) BS . In the light of the remaining space, and the parallel in EIAD 109, the following word might tentatively be reconstructed as (pādasaṁghāḍā) .
    Success! (...) pious gift of Kīṭanikā, the mother of Vaṁmanaka.