Stela carved with Buddha image in stone; h. 77.5 ×  w. 31.5 ×  d. 14 cm. The sculpture in high-relief, showing traces of polychromy, represents the Buddha Śākyamuni standing in a frontal pose, in front of a toraṇa gate. His right arm — now broken off — was raised to display the abhaya mudra. The end of his heavy monastic robe is passed over his left forearm and falls vertically.
Middle Indo-Aryan, Southern Brāhmī script. Engraved on the base; h. 8 ×  w. 23.5 cm .
Attributable to the period 200 - 350 CE on palaeographic grounds.
Ghantasala (?).
Nothing is known with certainty about date and location of discovery of this sculptural stela. Identified at the Musée Guimet (acc. no. 17850) in February 2017.
Visual Documentation
  • Amina Okada catalogue, cat.
  • Editors
    Arlo Griffiths and Vincent Tournier.
    Publication history
    First described and edited in a Japanese newspaper called Bukkyo times by Akira Sadakata, whose reading is cited in Tobu-Nara-Nagoya-NHK 1998: 46 . Re-edited here from our photographs and after autopsy of the stone.
    (1) dha[]makatikaya parabudhay[ā]ya (2) °atevās[i]kāya cul[ā]ya paṭimā

    (1) dha[]makatikaya parabudhay[ā]ya
    (2) °atevās[i]kāya cul[ā]ya paṭimā
    <ab xmlns="">
                        <lb n="1"/>
                        <w xml:id="tok01-EIAD131">dha<unclear>ṁ</unclear>makatikaya</w>
                        <w xml:id="tok02-EIAD131">parabudhay<unclear>ā</unclear>ya</w>
                        <lb n="2"/>
                        <w xml:id="tok03-EIAD131">°atevās<unclear>i</unclear>kāya</w>
                        <space type="horizontal" quantity="1" unit="character"/>
                        <w xml:id="tok04-EIAD131">cul<unclear>ā</unclear>ya</w>
                        <w xml:id="tok05-EIAD131">paṭimā</w>
    • (1) dha[]makatikaya dhamakatikaya .
    • (1) parabudhay[ā]ya parabudhayaya .
    • (2) °atevās[i]kāya °atevasikāya .
    • (2) cul[ā]ya culaya .
    • (2) paṭim[ā] patimā .