
Financial support

Research in 2015–17 leading to the initial launch of this publication was made possible by a collaborative research grant from The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation, administered by the American Council of Learned Societies. The title of the Ho / ACLS research project, coordinated by Arlo Griffiths (EFEO / HiSoMA Lyon), was ‘From Vijayapurī to Śrīkṣetra? The Beginnings of Buddhist Exchange across the Bay of Bengal as Witnessed by Inscriptions from Andhra Pradesh and Myanmar.’ The participation of Marc Miyake was permitted through a grant by the European Research Council ‘Beyond Boundaries: Religion, Region, Language and the State’ (Project ID: 609823).

Editorial responsibility

Editorial responsibility may be considered to be shared among Arlo Griffiths, Julian Wheatley (New Orleans), and Marc Miyake (SOAS, London).

Technical responsibility

The digital humanities aspects of this publication have been coordinated by Emmanuelle Morlock (research center HiSoMA). She has been responsible for determining the encoding strategy within the TEI/EpiDoc framework and for developing the ODD specification for the needs of the project.

Access to the inscriptions and to estampages

We acknowledge the collaboration of Kyaw Oo Lwin, Director General of the Department of Archeology, who authorized our access to the exhibitions and reserve collections at institutions across Myanmar in 2016, and thus made it possible for us to document and photograph the most important collections of inscriptions relevant to our corpus. For their assistance at specific sites we would like to thank U Win Kyaing (Field School of Archeology, Sri Ksetra), U Kyaw Myoe Win (Beikthano), U Saw Naing Oo (Halin), Maung Thein Lwin (Pagan), Shwe Yi Oo (Pagan), Ashin Nyarna Daza (Myintha).


Many of the photographs and Reflection Transformation Images (RTI) that we have used in order to study the inscriptions published here, and several of those illustrating this publication, were taken by James Miles (Archaeovision, Southampton, UK) during fieldwork in 2016.

Other acknowledgements

For his help in all matters relating to the planning of fieldwork, his general expertise in Burmese archaeology, and his company on our field work we thank Dr. Bob Hudson (Sydney). For his crucial role in bringing together the Pyu-related research of two originally separate teams and organizing our 2016 field trip in Burma, we thank Nathan W. Hill (SOAS, London). For sharing with us her collection of estampages, we thank Janice Stargardt (Cambridge).